Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blog 9: Paper Topic

1. Identify your focus.  This is a general statement of what you are interested in.
Discourse Analysis - Language Negotiations in a Multilingual Home

2. Identify your research question:  What in particular do you want to find out?  State your question in as specific terms as you can: the age/identity of your subjects, the location of your study, the particular activities/features you will focus on. 
Your research question is really a group of related questions, stated in specific terms, where you narrow in on what in particular you want to learn about in your study.
How do members of a family in which there are at least two languages being spoken [Portuguese and English primarily] negotiate language appropriateness?
What factors influence the language appropriateness?
What are the rules for this kind of negotiating?

3. Who has studied this question and what do they say.  For this prompt - mention any article that you have read where researchers have explored answers to your question.  If you can't find any articles - tell me something about what you searched for and what you found (even if it wasn't right).
+ Language negotiation in multilingual learning environments
Mariana Bono and Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer
+Multilingual organizations as ‘linguascapes’: Negotiating the position
of English through discursive practices§
Chris Steyaert *, Anja Ostendorp, Claudine Gaibrois
+ Multilingual dynamics among Portuguese-based migrant contexts
in Europe
Maria Clara Keatinga,
*, Olga Solovova b,1

 4.What do I need to find out to answer this question?  This prompt is to help you clarify and deepen your research question.
More research needs to be done on the theory others have on how language negotiations generally work. Furthermore, more information about the methodology generally used by others looking into the same topic bearing in mind that it may or may not be appropriate for a domestic discourse analysis project.

 5.  What do I need to do to gather information that will answer my question?
 This prompt is to help you think about how to design your study.  Who will you work with?  Where?  what will you do together?
I need to record and document my family talking among themselves. Afterwards, I will transcribe those recordings and analyze my data to see whether or not there are any patterns that will aid in formulating my own conclusion.
So far, I think I really just need to work on finding the research and collecting data. I can't think of anything that I need help with, but I'll keep you posted! [pun intended]

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