Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blog 21: MORE DATA!

[CLEO plays piano in the background.]
[00:30] AL: Say hi to the camera, mommy.
ZE: Eh?
AL: Say hi.
ZE: Hi.
AL: [giggles]
GIGAS: Siiiirrrr!
ZE: Não sabia que estavas a toucar
AL: See CLEO. I told you it would be more epic.
ZE: Estas a filmar?
SECA: Vai. Vamos la. Mãe. Podemos organizar o não?
AL: Yeah.
GIGAS: Organiza a defensa.
SECA: A mãe não tem.. tems a e as coisas para cortar o bolo?
ZE: Tudo.
SECA: Como e que se faz?
ZE: Vá!
SECA: Calma. Isto e a ultima coisa.
ZE: Paga a luz GIGAS. Não. It’s your birthday. You don’t do anything.
[luisa giggles]
SECA: O bolo cortado.
[01:00] GIGAS: I was going to get that first.
SECA: Isto esta bom. Secondo parece.
AL: Ahhhhhh. [musical]
SECA: Esta quetinho, o levas no focinho. Sabes o que e focinho?
IRMA: Ahhhhhh [musical] Tun tun tun tun.
ZE: Já tiraste a picture do cake?
AL: CLEO already took the picture.
ZE: Vá!
AL: Oh my god!
SECA: [taps knife on glass]
AL: Ahhhhh [Musical]
GIGAS: Maaaaaa [musical, nasal]
ZE: One, two, three!
GIGAS, ZE: Para bens
AL: Happy bir-
[01:30] GIGAS, ZE: A você. Esta data querida.
SECA: Pom pom pom pom.
GIGAS, ZE, SECA, AL: Felicidades.
ZE: Muitos anos de vida.
SECA: Muitos anos de desgrenha.
GIGAS: You forgot your flat
ZE: Hoje a dia
SECA: Agora em inglês
ZE: De festa.
SECA: Happy beart-
ZE, SECA: Cantao as nossas almas.
SECA: Para o rato chato
ZE: Para nosso GIGAS-inhos [variation of GIGAS; term of indearment]
[02:00] ZE, SECA: Uma salva de palmas
ZE: Hahaha!
SECA: Em Ingles. Ahora em Ingles.
ZE: Hahaha! Happy Birthday
SECA: Em Ingles.
ZE, SECA: To you.
ZE: In tune.
ZE, SECA: Happy Birthday to you.
ZE: Canta, CLEO!
SECA: Neste dia de festa
ZE, AL: Happy Birthday to you.
SECA: Para o menino GIGAS-inhos
ZE: Hahaha!
AL: Happy Birthday to you.
SECA: Uma salva de palmas
ZE: How old are you now?
[02:30] GIGAS: E isse. Ha ha.
ZE, AL: How old are you now?
SECA: Na na naaaa na na na naaa!
ZE, AL: How old are you now? How old are you now?
ZE: How old are you now?
GIGAS: I don’t remember.
ZE: HAHAHA! He’s too old!
CLEO: He was born today.
GIGAS: Let me count my candles. One, two
ZE: Ok let’s give him 16 punches
GIGAS: Five!
CLEO: Seventeen! One for good luck!
SECA: Se quimbra consegir,
ZE: One, two, tree, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine
[03:00] GIGAS: OW! Stop it! Oh, so much pain!
ZE: Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen
AL: Wow,CLEO, CLEO take the camera now, take the camera now
ZE: Sixteen seventeen
SECA: GIGAS-inhos.
CLEO: GIGAS blow the candles!
GIGAS: I can’t.
ZE: Blow the candles!
GIGAS: I don’t blow things.
AL: hahaha!
CLEO: Learn!
GIGAS: [Blowing, puffing, puffing, struggling noises]
ZE, CLEO, AL: [laughter]
AL: Oh my god!
SECA: Na croa de brillante. [?]
CLEO: Yo we’re fucking crazy. You hear this man singing.
[03:30] SECA: Aii, regresso a vida! [claps]
[laughter, clapping, cheering]
CLEO: Esto e uma casa de locos.
GIGAS: I don’t think anybody else wants …[?]
CLEO: Ele a assoprar a vela a cuspir tudo emsima. Estas duas a rir e este a cantar parece que e um funeral.
ZE: Cada um no seu mundo.
CLEO: No mesmo mundo ao mesmo tempo.
ZE: Cada um no seu mundo.
GIGAS: Okay. Vamos organizar a defensa.
[04:00] ZE: Vamos.
GIGAS: Alright, mom this part is for you
AL: As long as you don’t blow the cake anymore.
ZE: [giggles]
CLEO: Ainda ‘tas a cantar?
AL: [giggles]
SECA: Eu cantava mais o Anibal a beber umas cerveginhas ao El Pastor.
CLEO: Claro. Tinha que ser com cerveja. [?]
AL: Oh my god. Your gonna kill me. Go ask CLEO. [?]
ZE: Qual e a parte que tu queres GIGAS?
GIGAS: All of it.
AL: [laughs]
ZE: All of it!
SECA: [?].. Sorry!
ZE: Queres uma flore?
SECA: E a coxa? [?]
[04:30] ZE: Okay eu vou te dar o prato mais bonito.
SECA: Ouviste o que e que eu disse?
GIGAS: I want two flores. Nah. I want that part and that part and yeah.
ZE: Ahhh to hard. Eu vou por “C-A-R”.
AL: So you can get a car in the future.
ZE: Car.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blog 20: Transcription

[CLEO plays piano in the background.]

[00:30] AL: Say hi to the camera, mommy.

ZE: Eh?

AL: Say hi.

ZE: Hi.

AL: [giggles]

GIGAS: Siiiirrrr!

ZE: Não sabia que estavas a toucar

AL: See CLEO. I told you it would be more epic.

ZE: Estas a filmar?

SECA: Vai. Vamos la. Mãe. Podemos organizar o não?

AL: Yeah.

GIGAS: Organiza a defensa.

SECA: A mãe não tem.. tems a e as coisas para cortar o bolo?

ZE: Tudo.

SECA: Como e que se faz?

ZE: Vá!

SECA: Calma. Isto e a ultima coisa.

ZE: Paga a luz GIGAS. Não. It’s your birthday. You don’t do anything.

[luisa giggles]

SECA: O bolo cortado.

[01:00] IRMAO: I was going to get that first.

SECA: Isto esta bom. Secondo parece.

AL: Ahhhhhh. [musical]

SECA: Esta quetinho, o levas no focinho. Sabes o que e focinho?

IRMA: Ahhhhhh [musical] Tun tun tun tun.

ZE: Já tiraste a picture do cake?

AL: CLEO already took the picture.

ZE: Vá!

AL: Oh my god!

SECA: [taps knife on glass]

AL: Ahhhhh [Musical]

GIGAS: Maaaaaa [musical, nasal]

ZE: One, two, three!

GIGAS, ZE: Para bens

AL: Happy bir-

[01:30] GIGAS, ZE: A você. Esta data querida.

SECA: Pom pom pom pom.



GIGAS, ZE, SECA, AL: Felicidades.

ZE: Muitos anos de vida.

SECA: Muitos anos de desgrenha.

You forgot your flat

Hoje a dia

PAI: Agora em inglês

De festa. Cantao as nossas almas.

Para o rato

Para nosso Carlinhos

Uma salva de palmas


Em Ingles. Ahora em Ingles.


Happy Birthday

Em Ingles.

To you.

In tune.

Happy Birthday to you.

Canta, CLEO!

Hoje e dia de festa

Happy Birthday to you.

Para o menino Carlinhos

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blog 19: Planning a Workshop

In light of today's class, what do think you need to work on for the workshop on Thursday? Make a plan!

To be perfectly honest [interesting phrase lol], I did not have much difficulty with the short analysis paper nor am I worried about being able to write my research paper for this class. As long as I have my information and time, I can write this essay, no problems, guaranteed. However, from the concerns I usually get from tutoring for these kinds of assignments as well as the commentary I have overheard in class, it seems like people are having trouble with creating a research question themselves as well as the appropriate categories of analysis. Moreover, they seem to not understand how this entire class has been building up to this particular point; everything we have done has been in preparation for the ideas, concepts, and language necessary to talk about our research. The way most of the class was talking about categories of analysis was like we never talked about before. Scary and disturbing. (>_<)!

These comments I am making are general statements that do not necessarily apply to everyone in the class. Rather, this applies for the majority. Why is this happening you ask? Well, in my humble opinion, I think too many people are distracted when they are in class and/or do not see the relevance of the information presented to them until they are forced to use the information themselves. Therefore, my suggestion for a "plan" is to have people actually create parts of the paper. Have them put the information to use. Also, I think too much of this class has been group work, and although I do understand the value of collaboration, I do not think the people I have been working with care to really engage until they know they will be graded individually. Therefore, I propose individual work that can allows for people to talk to each other if they need to discuss it, but pushing each person to work on their own. Maybe something along the lines of peer response. Not sure.

I realize this is not much of "plan", but that may be because I really want to create my own plan for this. I want to research and get started on this and ask relevant questions as they occur to me. I want to create a plan for myself. Maybe that's the plan for Thursday: individually create research plans. Yes. Lovely.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog 18: Reflection on Short Analysis

Blog 18:  Post some reflective writing on your Short Analysis essay.  Use the rubric to estimate how well you did and what you need to work on.

I'm always a little wary about writing about what I think I would get for my paper. Part of me wants to be confident that everything I wrote was amazingly proficient another part of me wants to be realistic and humble about what I need to learn because goodness knows I'm not perfect. Still, with this in mind, I will attempt to evaluate myself as objectively as possible without allowing my biases interfere although even as I write this, the feeling of this task being impossible grows with every keystroke.

Quality of the research question: 18-20
I believe my research question was strong enough. Essentially it was what does your discourse say about priorities? I thought that for this assignment and the conversation I chose, the question seemed appropriate. It occurred to me when I first started analyzing the conversation. However, I am open to the possibility that the question is not clear.

Development of categories relevant to the data and to the research question: 18-20
My categories were well defined and I defended why I had the categories set up as they were. It might be that if I were to think about the categories a bit more, I would use different words. Still, for the purposes of this paper, the categories are relevant to the question [comfort, identity, and credibility].

Relevant, effective examples to demonstrate what the categories show with respect to the research question: 18-20
I added quotes to support my reasoning for my categories and my thesis. I tried to pick examples that best exemplified what I wanted to prove in each of the sections. I emphasized the parts of the text that I wanted to focus on. I'm not sure if the quotes were maybe a little long, but I was concerned that if the readers were people who had no idea what the original conversation was, they would be lost. Still, I may have made my examples a little long.

Clear, direct statements of what the examples show with respect to the research question: 8-10
I added paragraph[s] after the examples to connect back to why the categories were valid.

Clear, logical organization appropriate for writing studies research essays: 10
I followed the structure provided and I believe the reader can clearly follow my train of thought through each of the sections of the paper.

Conclusion  sums up findings and reflects on limitations of the analysis and/or further possibilities for study: 10
I concluded by saying that this analysis proves that my categories were valid for this conversation and that further research should investigate if these categories hold true in over conversational contexts.

Grammar/readability: 10
I don't believe I have any grammatical errors, but if there are any, they do not interfere with clarity.

Grade range: 92 - 100

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Blog 17: Draft for Introduction to your research question

This this a draft of my introduction. :)

There are many factors that inform a person’s decision to speak in a certain manner. Culture, exposure to information, immediate context, biology, and a myriad of other factors are at play when a person speaks. However, it can be argued that the dominant factors can be observed in discourse: what is the speaker prioritizing in their speech? The answer is not necessarily one that is consciously decided by the speaker, but is definitely present. Through this paper, it my goal to utilize one conversation between two adult women [“Ch” is a “A”’s professor] as a case study to illustrate how those priories can be seen within a conversation. The aspects to be researched will be credibility, identity, and comfort as the main markers that dictate why A switches discourses throughout the conversation.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blog 16: Reflection on Interviewing

Write your reflections on what you learned from conducting your oral history interview, and how you are going to apply that knowledge in your research.

Interviews, like tutoring sessions, always have a way of going in a direct that could have never really been planned for. Some interviews can be very standard and predictable, while others seem to venture into the realm of therapy. In the case of the interview I did with Elizabeth, I was pleasantly surprised with the direction of the interview. Overall, I think it went well, although better planning for questions would have helped. Still, I liked how she interviewed and the way the interviews went. 

My research is not going to be interview based, but I can still use this experience to confirm yet again that life has a way of being just a little unpredictable. Therefore, any assumption I make prior to analyzing my data may be proven completely right, completely wrong, or anything in between. In essence, this has proven to keep an open mind and expect the unexpected.