I'm always a little wary about writing about what I think I would get for my paper. Part of me wants to be confident that everything I wrote was amazingly proficient another part of me wants to be realistic and humble about what I need to learn because goodness knows I'm not perfect. Still, with this in mind, I will attempt to evaluate myself as objectively as possible without allowing my biases interfere although even as I write this, the feeling of this task being impossible grows with every keystroke.
Quality of the research question: 18-20
I believe my research question was strong enough. Essentially it was what does your discourse say about priorities? I thought that for this assignment and the conversation I chose, the question seemed appropriate. It occurred to me when I first started analyzing the conversation. However, I am open to the possibility that the question is not clear.
Development of categories relevant to the data and to the research question: 18-20
My categories were well defined and I defended why I had the categories set up as they were. It might be that if I were to think about the categories a bit more, I would use different words. Still, for the purposes of this paper, the categories are relevant to the question [comfort, identity, and credibility].
Relevant, effective examples to demonstrate what the categories show with respect to the research question: 18-20
I added quotes to support my reasoning for my categories and my thesis. I tried to pick examples that best exemplified what I wanted to prove in each of the sections. I emphasized the parts of the text that I wanted to focus on. I'm not sure if the quotes were maybe a little long, but I was concerned that if the readers were people who had no idea what the original conversation was, they would be lost. Still, I may have made my examples a little long.
Clear, direct statements of what the examples show with respect to the research question: 8-10
I added paragraph[s] after the examples to connect back to why the categories were valid.
Clear, logical organization appropriate for writing studies research essays: 10
I followed the structure provided and I believe the reader can clearly follow my train of thought through each of the sections of the paper.
Conclusion sums up findings and reflects on limitations of the analysis and/or further possibilities for study: 10
I concluded by saying that this analysis proves that my categories were valid for this conversation and that further research should investigate if these categories hold true in over conversational contexts.
Grammar/readability: 10
I don't believe I have any grammatical errors, but if there are any, they do not interfere with clarity.
Grade range: 92 - 100
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